Many celebrants don’t know the science and method behind choosing where to position their speaker in a ceremony. This video will take you through the basic elements of choosing where and why and how to position your speaker, and one thing I didn’t note in the recording is that you want it up on a speaker stand at standing head height, you need those audio waves to be able to reach everyone’s ears and if the speaker is on the ground, people past the first row will be struggling.
In summary:
- Put the speaker as far to the left or right as the walls/area allows, whilst still being able to be heard – so you can eliminate that high pitched feedback sound.
- Put the speaker so there’s not lots of bodies (60% full of water) in between the microphone and the speaker.
- Position the speaker so the visual of you – actual you – and the sound of you, are coming from a similar place. That is, don’t put your speaker at the back of the ceremony.
- Put your speaker on a stand so people past the first row have a fighting chance of being able to listen to clear audio.
Grateful insights Josh ????
That was brilliant viewing. Thanks Josh! (Ps Doug says hi – he watched it with me and we both learned something new).
Thanks Josh! Very informative for me especially with my first ceremony tomorrow (pending restrictions). I now am that little bit more confident with the speaker side of things!! I have got this!!!!!
Thanks Josh
That was great info, Josh. My speaker is ground-based and mounted on wheels as I do mainly outdoor weddings & funerals (it is Coffs Harbour after all 🙂
I did a funeral 2 weeks ago – where the deceased’s dog was roaming the event – and he came up and cocked his leg on my speaker : (
Certainly cheered the family up – they all thought it was hilarious!
I could see the dog getting closer and sniffing around and I was at a very sombre part of the ceremony – I didn’t want to say “Shoo dog” or similar so I was just hoping he would wander off. A grandson scooped him up and, if nothing else, it lightened the mood and they all noted that grandad would have been splitting his sides laughing !
My mistakes have been to not have it far forward enough, so I will address that error (and keep my eyes out for dogs)
I am so grateful to have seen this information as i approach my first go at setting up a PA – thank you!