Meet our Certificate IV in Celebrancy and Ongoing Professional Development celebrant trainers
Sarah Aird
- Cert IV in Celebrancy CHC41015, Academy of Celebrancy and Qualtrain
- Cert IV in Training & Assessment TAE40110, Victoria Polytechnic
- Bachelor of Arts, University of Melbourne
- Grad Cert in Arts & Entertainment Management, Deakin University
- Marriage celebrant, funeral celebrant, celebrant trainer
- Co-director, Celebrant Institute
- Co-host, The Celebrant Talk Show
- Member, Australian Federation of Civil Celebrants, Funeral Celebrants Association of Australia
- Board Secretary and Member, Association of Independent Funeral Professions
I knew I wanted to be a celebrant trainer from the time I did my own initial training (which, to be honest, was underwhelming). I have one of those sponge-like brains that soaks up information, and consequently the legalities of my marriage celebrant role come easily to me. I’ve been sharing my knowledge with my celebrant networks since conducting my first wedding (several of my networking groups call me The Oracle), and I love that I have the opportunity to share it with the wider celebrant population.
Celebrant Institute RTO
I’m thrilled to be the CEO of the Celebrant Institute RTO, offering both the Cert IV in Celebrancy for aspiring celebrants and Ongoing Professional Development for registered celebrants. I’m training OPD sessions around the country in 2020, as well as working on updating and improving the Cert IV in Celebrancy and rolling it out around Australia.
Celebrant Institute
My partnership with Queensland celebrant Josh Withers is the Celebrant Institute, a place where celebrants can ask literally any question of us about running a sustainable celebrant business. Between the two of us we know most of the answers; I cover off the legal and process sides, while Josh is a marketing and technology whiz. You can also find our free podcast, The Celebrant Talk Show, on the Institute website. Head over there and join us now!