Stephanie celebrant asks:
I think many of us have seen and have been contacted by “Marry From Home”, who are Advertising “Legal” online Weddings from anywhere in the world!? As Zoom weddings are not permitted in Australia and the company is based in the USA, would couples based in Australia still be considered married if they married over Zoom on a USA website?
I remember getting an email from this mob myself, although I’m pretty sure I took a cursory look at it then deleted it straight away. But given I’ve been asked, I took a bit more of a look 🙂
My understanding is that in a word, the answre to Stephanie’s question is yes, these marriages would be considered valid if an Australian couple were to take part in one. It would be the same as if they flew to America and got married on the ground there. As long as the marriage would otherwise be valid in Australia (the couple are of marriageable age, not in a prohibited relationship, not married to someone else, and consenting), and the marriage is conducted appropriately under the other country’s laws, a marriage conducted overseas is recognised by the Australian Government as a valid marriage. (Remember, overseas marriages can’t be registered in Australia so the couples can’t get an Australian marriage certificate, but for all intents and purposes they are recognised as married.)
So as far as I can see, these online marriages would be deemed valid in Australia.
Australian celebrants can’t conduct these marriages, only people registered to conduct marriages in the applicable US states.
Why an Australian-based couple would want to undertake this type of marriage, and why the company thinks contacting Australian marriage celebrants is of any use to them, are questions I cannot answer 🙂
Thanks for clarifying that for me Sarah! It’s pretty much how I feel about it, but thought it was a good one to check