I’m pretty excited to let our members know that we’ve just received the following email from the Marriage Law and Celebrant Section of the Attorney-General’s Department:
Dear celebrant associations
I am writing to advise you that the Attorney-General has agreed to set the celebrant registration charge for 2020-21 at $0.
The charge is a legislative requirement so celebrants will still receive the registration notice after 1 July. However there will be no invoice to pay.
Setting the charge to $0 will be for 2020-21 only. A decision will be made prior to July 2021, in accordance with the cost recovery guidelines, as to what the amount will be for 2021-22.
Bridget Quayle
Registrar of Marriage Celebrants
So no fee for this year! We’ll still receive a registration notice after 1 July but there won’t be any invoice to pay.
Of course this is only for 2020-2021 and a different decision will likely be made next year, but for now I know this will be a weight off a lot of celebrants’ minds.