If you don’t know who MrBeast is, then jump onto Youtube and search for the guy with 312 million subscribers, and almost 60 billion views over his 800 videos released over the last 12 years.

Jimmy has a large staff today and as anyone with a strong company culture does, he’s published a PDF for new employees on how things work around Mr Beast HQ.

Here are my take-aways from the document you can find my Googling and I’m not going to share a link to because it might get us in trouble!

Jimmy’s quotes are, and you’re not going to guess this, in quotation marks.


“Your goal here is to make the best YOUTUBE videos possible. That’s the number one goal of this production company. It’s not to make the best-produced videos. Not to make the funniest videos. Not to make the best-looking videos. Not the highest quality videos… Everything we want will come if we strive for that.”

As a marriage celebrant, our primary goal is to create the most meaningful and memorable wedding ceremonies possible. Just as MrBeast focuses on making the best YouTube videos, your focus should be on delivering the best wedding experience for each couple. Everything else—whether it’s marketing, social media, or administration—should support this central goal.

Be adaptable and innovate

“We pivot a lot, be ready to have everything flipped on its head at a moment’s notice lol.”

In the wedding industry, trends change, and so do clients’ needs and expectations. Being adaptable and open to new ways of conducting ceremonies or marketing your services will help keep your business relevant and in demand. This is ever more true for social media and content creation. As I write this some of the smartest people in social media are at a conference in Perth (State of Social) and I – and you – should have been there to learn from the best.

Surround yourself with great people

“A-Players are obsessive, learn from mistakes, coachable, intelligent, don’t make excuses, believe in Youtube, see the value of this company, and are the best in the goddamn world at their job.”

Whether you’re working with other vendors or hiring assistants, aim to surround yourself with people who are equally committed to excellence. This ensures that every part of the wedding experience is handled with the utmost care and professionalism.

Creativity is key

“Creativity is the answer… Instead of just throwing money at the problem, we used creativity.”

The wedding industry can be competitive, so finding creative ways to differentiate your services—whether through unique ceremony elements, personalised touches, or creative marketing—can save money and elevate your brand.

Understand the importance of storytelling

“Hook people at the start of the video, transition them to an amazing story that they are invested in, have no dull moments, and then have a satisfying payoff at the end of the video with an abrupt ending.”

Just as MrBeast emphasises the importance of storytelling in his videos, a good wedding ceremony tells the story of the couple’s journey. Each ceremony should have a structure that keeps guests engaged and emotionally invested from start to finish.

Always be improving

The best in any field continually seek ways to improve their skills and services. Whether it’s refining your public speaking, learning new cultural traditions, curating better content or advertising, or finding more efficient ways to manage your time, constant improvement is vital.

“We must always be improving and innovating. The camera angles need to always get better, the pacing, the story, the jokes, the color, the lighting, the music, the props, the people, our framing, our ideas, literally everything must always be improving and innovating.”

Your information diet matters

“What you consume on social media, when you watch youtube, tv, the games you play, etc. are what I like to call your information diet… Consume things on a daily basis that help you write better content.”

What you consume—be it media, books, or even conversations—shapes your creativity and influences how you conduct ceremonies and run your business. Ensure you’re consuming content, books, newsletters, podcasts, videos, and seminars that inspire and informs your work as a celebrant.

Establish clear communication and accountability

“It’s very important as a company we maintain proper communication lines. On set and off set… Ideally when communicating across departments you go up and then over. If you skip and just go below you… then you have no idea what’s going on.”

In your wedding business, clear communication with clients, vendors, and your team is crucial. Miscommunication can lead to mistakes that could affect the entire event. Make sure everyone involved knows their responsibilities and that there’s a clear line of communication to avoid any last-minute issues.

Learn how to be an expert emailer (check your spam folder and make sure your emails are not ending up in the receiver’s spam folder!), an expert video-chatter, an expert iPhone user etc. Communication is the number one way to set yourself apart in this modern world.

Emphasise authenticity and excitement in your services

“If I’m not excited to get in front of that camera and film the video, it’s just simply not going to happen. I’m not fake and I will be authentic, that’s partly why the channel does so well. And if I’m not excited by the video, we’re fucked.”

Being authentic in your approach to ceremonies and genuinely excited about each wedding will resonate with your clients and make their experience more memorable.

Clients can sense when you’re genuinely invested in their ceremony, which adds to the overall experience.

Plan for contingencies and have backup plans

“Always have a backup day… When you’re spending hundreds of thousands of dollars securing a set, renting a tank, etc. make sure you have the ability to extend them in case something goes wrong.”

Weddings often involve multiple variables that can change last minute, from weather to vendor issues. Always have a backup plan to ensure the ceremony goes smoothly regardless of what happens.

My wife knows who my celebrant-besties are and she knows my scheudle so if something goes wrong she calls them.

Leverage “Wow Factor” moments

“Another non-trackable thing about virality I’d like you to know is what we call the ‘wow factor’… Anything that no other youtuber can do. And it’s important we never lose our wow.”

Creating memorable moments in your ceremonies—whether through unexpected elements, emotional speeches, or unique rituals—can set your services apart and make the event unforgettable for the couple and their guests.

Always seek feedback and improvement

“Run your content by as many people as possible for inspiration on how you could make it even better.”

Actively seek feedback from clients and peers to refine your services. Don’t hesitate to ask how you can improve or what might have made the ceremony better. This openness to feedback helps you stay at the top of your field.

Be prepared to handle setbacks and use them to your advantage

“If something goes wrong on shoot always check to see if it can be made into content. A tree falls over on your car and breaks the 100 vases we needed to give away? THAT’S FUCKEN HILARIOUS AND WE SHOULD MENTION IT IN THE VIDEO LOL.”

When something goes wrong, as it sometimes does in weddings, see if you can turn the setback into a positive part of the experience. Whether it’s a last-minute change or an unexpected issue, use your creativity to make it work in your favour.

That’s your next blog post or social media content piece.

Strong opening

“The first minute of each video is the most important minute of each video… Hook people at the start of the video, transition them to an amazing story that they are invested in, have no dull moments, and then have a satisfying payoff at the end of the video with an abrupt ending.”

“On this particular video we lost 21 million viewers in the first minute of the video… This is why we freak out so much about the first minute and go so above and beyond to make it the best we freakin can.”

All I can think about here is the first few seconds a brand new person sees your website, your social, the email reply to their enquiry.

Start strong.

Structuring the ceremony to maximise engagement

“Strong payoffs at the end of videos boost retention… You get invested in the progress and the challenge… Luckily the winner isn’t revealed until the end of the video so as long as we don’t make the video boring as hell people are very likely to stick around until the end.”

Similar to how MrBeast structures his videos with a clear beginning, middle, and end, your wedding ceremonies can be carefully planned to maintain engagement of the couple and the guests.

This could involve starting with an attention-grabbing introduction, followed by meaningful storytelling elements that keep the guests emotionally connected, and finishing with a powerful closing that leaves a lasting impression – aka the kiss and the aisle.

By applying these principles, you can ensure that your ceremonies not only hold the attention of the guests but also leave them deeply moved and engaged throughout the entire experience.

Hook your audience early with engaging content

“The first minute of each video is the most important minute of each video… Hook people at the start of the video, transition them to an amazing story that they are invested in, have no dull moments.”

Just as in a video, the first moments of your content (emails, replies to enquiries, ceremonies, all of it) need to grab the attention of couples and keep them interested.

Whether it’s a blog post, a social media update, or a video, start with something that directly addresses their excitement or concerns. For instance, share tips on where to start planning, or highlight the importance of personalising their ceremony. The goal is to make them feel that your content is exactly what they need at that moment.

Create content that feels exclusive and special

“Anytime we do something that no other creator can do, that separates us in their mind and makes our videos more special to them. It changes how they see us and it does make them watch more videos and engage more with the brand.”

To keep engaged couples interested, offer content that feels unique to them—perhaps insider tips on wedding planning, behind-the-scenes looks at ceremonies you’ve officiated, or special offers for those who follow you on social media. This creates a sense of exclusivity and keeps them invested in your content.

KYC: Know your customer

“Our content is consumed by everyone at this point… Despite saying all that, at its core if I had to describe it, I’d say the average MrBeast viewer is a teenage memer that likes video games.”

Understand that engaged couples are at different stages of their planning journey. Tailor your content to address the diverse needs of your audience, whether they’re just starting to think about their wedding or deep into the planning process. This could involve creating different series of content for each stage, ensuring that you’re always relevant to their current situation.